Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Quack Like a Duck

Today's Reading: Matthew 14:22-32 *click here*

I remember when I was maybe around 14 there was a man who was a security guard at a skating rink that I frequented on the weekends.  He told me something that has stuck with me ever since. This man who didn't have to say anything to a girl who had just been bullied by some of the mean girls who were there that night.  A man who didn't have to talk to some socially awkward teen who had nothing to give him back. But that's a devo for another day. 

I pass this onto my Middle School girls during several lessons.  I even pass this onto adults who are struggling with gossip situations.  He explained to me that ducks have oils in their feathers that allow the water to roll off their backs without sticking to them and weighing them down while they're swimming.  He then looked at me and said "So Vanessa, let it roll off your back."  How many of us let every word, every look, every whisper stick to us until we are so weighted down that we begin to sink?  Remember that the enemy wants nothing more than to do just that, make us sink.  But God doesn't just want us to glide through the water safely and confidently, He wants more than that for us. "Come" he told Peter (Matthew 14:29) he wants us to walk on the water with Him.  
So friends, let it roll off you back, reach out your hand and set your sights on Him.  Don't look around at the things that may get you, the things you are afraid of because that is when, like Peter, you will sink. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This Little Light of Mine ☼

Today's Reading: 1Corinthians 9:16-24 *click here*

I love seeing everyone come together to work and bless each other.  We had our Fall Festival last night and it was amazing to see everyone doing what they could do.  Some were patiently helping the kids up and down the big bouncy slide, some were helping with the tractor ride, some were encouraging the small kids in the games and others were working with the adults in the cake walk.  Because of this everyone had an amazing time!

We all have talents that the Lord has blessed us with.  Some are organized, some are good listeners, some of you really enjoy math, science and paperwork.  Some really enjoy music, dancing, singing, crafting.  Everyone has a place in the body of Christ and let us just get one thing clear, whether you are a toe or an eye lash or a finger, we all work together to get the job done.  So if you're one, don't wish to be another, because the Body would look silly with 45 toes.  

Like the Sunday school song says, we need to let our light shine.  I think about how a lot of people act with their talents and what they use them for.  Most people I know use their talents in the church, to further the kingdom.  This is Biblical and appropriate and necessary, however where does a light shine best?  If you thought "In the dark" then you and I, my friend, are on the same page.  

Now I want you to think a for a minute and picture a candle. (If you want to go light a candle, I'll wait...) Picture a candle in the middle of a room with the overhead light on.  Still pretty. I think fire is so mesmerizing.  But now picture going over and turning that light off. (go ahead and walk over and shut your light off, I'm in no hurry...)  Boy does that make a difference! When the candle (or two or three) is the only light, it stands out ten fold!  Sometimes it's good to get out into the world where the light of Jesus isn't always on like it is in most church settings. Matthew chapter 5 says "15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father."  

Jesus was a healer, he didn't hang out with the healthy.  He saved, so he sought out the sinners.  He taught so he went out to the streets to share His message, he didn't stay in the temples and 'preach to the choir' so to speak.  Sometimes we need to get out of our box, out of our comfort zone and reach those who are living in darkness. We are told we "are no longer of the world'' (John 15:19) but that doesn't mean we have to stay out of it.  People say, in their heart ache and trials, they're looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.  Brothers and sisters, let's shine that Light! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Just another Manic Monday?

Man oh man.  Well here it is, the first devo.  As I was praying for God to give me a message I never thought it would be one that was kind of heavy! I thought, you know, God will give me something simple. Something to help me get my toes wet.  Something to test the waters before jumping in.  In service yesterday the message was loud and clear: We are in a battle.  And that’s when I got the subject for today’s message.  As I sat in my pew and blinked as the subject came to me I was reminded of the scripture in Luke chapter 5 that says When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch” And I realized that I get to just jump right into the deep!   So…here it goes!!!

Today’s reading: Exodus 15:1-11(*click here*)

            To set it up we need to review (or learn) what is going on.  The Israelites had just been delivered from slavery in Egypt.  They had seen the sea parted, they had walked on the ocean floor and then as they reached the other side they watched as the sea closed in around the Egyptians that were on their tail and swallowed them whole.  In our reading today this is their song of praise to God. Thanking them for the great miracle of deliverance.  Hallelujah!
I want to focus however on something else in the text.  In verse 9 we see words from the enemy.  “I will pursue, I will overtake them.  I will divide the spoils; I will draw my sword and my hand will destroy them.”  This of course is talking about the Egyptians wanting the Israelites brought down.
The enemy is still pursuing us.  He is still wielding his sword to divide and overtake us.  So where are you going with this Vanessa? Easy, family! ☺ 

The easiest way for Satan to divide, overtake and destroy us is attacking us in our home.  It doesn't matter if you’re married, single, young, old, male, female, Satan wants to cut our ties with our support and make us question our beliefs.  He is “aiming his fiery darts” (Eph 6:16) at us “to steal and to kill and to destroy” (John 10:10).       

Thanks for the message of doom! Well good news! The Bible helps us figure out what to do.  Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken”. 

So call that bestie that you haven’t talked to for a while.  Get involved in your local church, give your Mommy a call and tell her how much you love her.  Grab onto your neighbor and hold on tight so that when you fall you have someone who can lift you up.  Protect the ones you have, let go of the things that don’t matter.  Do NOT let the enemy come in and put a wedge between you and your family- blood or otherwise.  They are the strongest earthly allies that God has given you.  Remember to treat them like the blessings they are! That way you have someone to hold on to, while you're crossing the barren ocean floor that can seem so deep and so long that you'll never find your way out.  Then when you reach the other side you can hold their hand and sing praises to God- together.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Today I got home from a Women's Conference.  It of course was full of fellowship, love, laughter, memory making moments and chocolate.  It also had the most important element of a good conference and that is women who weren't afraid to bring the Word of God to His daughters.  There were several messages delivered but what it all boils down to is "Are you going to make the CHOICE* to SEEK THE WORD*, go DEEPER* and REACH* out to minister to others?" I have felt for a while now that God has called me to ministry.  I want to go to school and get my credentials to become a Pastor.  My heart is with young girls.  I teach 3-5th grade and Middle School girls in my church and I believe that, at least for this season, that's where my ministry lies.  However I want to go further.  I want to expand my reach.  I found that I really really enjoyed writing devotions when I had to for our last girls ministry sleep over.  So that's what I've decided to do, write devotions.  I have no idea who I am going to reach.  Maybe just my Moms (My mom, my mother-in-love and my MamaP) but for now that's ok.  God won't trust you with a lot until he knows he can trust you with a little. ;)  So here it goes. Stepping out in faith I am going to periodically post devotionals and I hope that whoever you are, where ever you are, if you're reading them, God will use me to deliver His message, through His word, to you.
God Bless,