Saturday, November 2, 2013

Like A Bridge Over Troubled Water

Daily Reading Psalm 18: 1-6 *click here*

I have had a couple of really rough days.  I have been hit with a wave of discouragement that I just can't seem to shake.  My husband, God bless him, still doesn't quite know what to do with a crying woman, so it's been rough all around.  

My family has been relocated to a different state.  Just one of the perks of military life is moving to a new place and having to start completely over.  I was a dedicated worker in my last church home so coming here and having nothing to do has been driving me nuts.  I have volunteered in a couple of places at my new home church but sometimes I feel like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole.  It has nothing to do with the church- they are a wonderful group of people and I already love some of them dearly.  My issue is I don't think like a normal person.  I find weird things funny, I need structure, and plans and lists,  I often make a fool of myself if I feel uncomfortable and more often than not I put my foot in my mouth.  I just don't feel like I communicate well unless I can put it on paper, and revise my thoughts at least... 6 times.  My last church had spent three years getting to know and love me despite these things.  Having to start over from scratch has proven difficult. 

To top it all off, I was given a horrible hair cut yesterday which pretty much sent me over the edge.  Thank the good Lord for extensions.  

The thing I like most about the Psalms is David is so honest with his emotions.  He got angry, he got discouraged, he was hateful, he was joyful and through it all he praised the Lord.  

When was the last time you were completely honest with God about everything you were feeling?  When was the last time you laid everything down at His feet?  

We serve an empathetic, loving God who has felt everything we've felt.  Who has experienced everything we've experienced.  Who did it all and came out on the other side victorious!  He made us, He knows our weaknesses and He is not surprised when we come to Him for strength.  So "come boldly to the throne" because He is waiting for you. 


  1. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

  2. You're so right, beautiful. But the first thing that came to my heart after reading this was 'She's forgotten that she is the same amazing, funny, quirky girl that we all love even when she doesn't feel like it.' Keep the faith, hold your chin up, and rock that bad haircut, girlfriend!
